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UserMixin Class


The UserMixin class is a mixin designed to add permission methods to a User model. This mixin provides methods for assigning, revoking, and checking permissions for a user or a user's group. It leverages asynchronous methods to interact with the permissions model.

UserMixin Class

class UserMixin: ...

This is how you can import the UserMixin.

from edgy_guardian.mixins import UserMixin


import edgy

from edgy_guardian.mixins import UserMixin

class User(edgy.Model, UserMixin): ...

From here on, every user object will have automatically access to the available functions of the UserMixin.


  • The UserMixin class is defined as a mixin to extend the User model with permission-related methods.


async def has_perm(self, perm: str, obj: Any) -> bool:
  • Purpose: Checks if the user has a specific permission on a given object.
  • Arguments:
  • perm: The permission to check.
  • obj: The object to check the permission on.
async def assign_perm(
    self, perm: str | type[edgy.Model], obj: Any | None = None, revoke: bool = False
) -> Any:
  • Purpose: Assigns or revokes a specific permission for the user.
  • Arguments:
  • perm: The permission to assign or revoke.
  • obj: The object to assign or revoke the permission for. Defaults to None.
  • revoke: If True, the permission will be revoked; if False, the permission will be assigned. Defaults to False.
async def assign_group_perm(
    perm: str | type[edgy.Model],
    group: Any | type[edgy.Model],
    obj: Any | None = None,
    revoke: bool = False,
    revoke_users_permissions: bool = False,
) -> None:
  • Purpose: Assigns or revokes a specific permission for the user's group.
  • Arguments:
  • perm: The permission to assign or revoke.
  • group: The group to assign or revoke the permission for.
  • obj: The object to assign or revoke the permission for. Defaults to None.
  • revoke: If True, the permission will be revoked; if False, the permission will be assigned. Defaults to False.
  • revoke_users_permissions: If True, the permission will also be revoked from the user. Defaults to False.
async def has_group_permission(self, perm: str | type[edgy.Model], obj: Any) -> bool:
  • Purpose: Checks if the user's group has a specific permission on a given object.
  • Arguments:
  • perm: The permission to check.
  • obj: The object to check the permission on.
async def remove_perm(self, perm: str | type[edgy.Model], obj: Any | None = None) -> None:
  • Purpose: Removes a specific permission from the user.
  • Arguments:
  • perm: The permission to remove.
  • obj: The object to remove the permission from. Defaults to None.

Got it! Let's add the remove_group_perm method to the Markdown documentation:

async def remove_group_perm(
    perm: str | type[edgy.Model],
    group: str | type[edgy.Model],
    obj: Any | None = None,
    revoke_users_permissions: bool = False,
) -> None:
  • Purpose: Removes a specific permission from the user's group.
  • Arguments:
  • perm: The permission to remove.
  • group: The group to remove the permission from.
  • obj: The object to remove the permission from. Defaults to None.
  • revoke_users_permissions: If True, the permission will also be revoked from the user. Defaults to False. ```