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Introducing the guardian Manager

Edgy Guardian introduces a new manager called guardian to provide a safer approach to querying models while avoiding unintended overrides that may occur when using the default query manager.

Why guardian?

In traditional Edgy usage, the query manager is used for all model-related database operations. However, this approach can sometimes lead to accidental overrides, especially when dealing with multiple models sharing similar query structures.

To prevent this issue, Edgy Guardian introduces guardian, a new manager that ensures model safety by isolating its operations from query. This allows developers to perform safe database queries without interfering with existing model configurations.

How to Use guardian

The guardian manager is available on all Edgy Guardian models and can be used as follows:

from edgy_guardian.permissions.models import BasePermission

class Permission(BasePermission): ...

# Using guardian for queries
perms =

By using guardian, developers can safely query models without modifying or overriding any existing operations associated with query.


You can create your own manager and also call it guardian in your models. Edgy Guardian only introduces this for the custom library models and avoid clashing.

Key Benefits

  • Prevents Unintended Overrides: Ensures that model queries do not conflict with the default query manager.
  • Safe Querying: Allows developers to execute database operations in a controlled environment.
  • Enhanced Maintainability: Reduces potential errors in large codebases by providing an alternative query manager.


The introduction of guardian in Edgy Guardian enhances model safety and query integrity. By using guardian, developers can avoid accidental modifications and maintain cleaner, more predictable database interactions.